The Vancouver Convention Centre Goes Green-A Park in the Sky!
There has been quite a bit of new development in the City. A glance towards the downtown skyline elicits a view of numerous cranes and scaffolding. One of the largest projects being undertaken right now is the Vancouver Convention Centre Expansion. This $615 million project is being built with sustainability in mind. The roof, a whopping six acres, will be a living roof with grass, trees, a virtual park in the sky! This will be one of the largest of its kind in the world. There are many other “green building” ideas and innovations in the project. All of the construction is being performed under the strictest policy of environmental awareness and the outcome, a new, larger more environmentally friendly building will be complete in 2008, just in time to gear up for the Olympics! Check out this link for a more detailed sustainability plan.
Vancouver Convention Centre Site
This is the building style of the future, and advertising your sustainability will only help your business. Even doing small things like buying organic whenever possible, not driving and recycling makes an impact. With more and more “green buildings” like this popping up, we just might make it a few more years before Richmond becomes the bottom of the ocean.
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