Thursday, February 02, 2006

Factors That Influence Memory - Part One - Elaboration

Yesterday we discussed how we become aware of something through reptition, or frequency. Now we will take a look at how we are drawn to the communication message in the first place, and how our memory works to remember it.

Expanding on our theme of how advertising affects you, let's take a look on a deeper psychological level,


The more elaboration that occurs with a message, the more likely it is to be centrally processed (as opposed to peripherally processed) into long-term memory. Centrally processed information becomes a part of our explicit memory, and consequently has a greater chance to be recalled, lasts longer, and is capable of more pervasive attitude change.

Six strategies aimed at achieving elaboration on a message are Disruption, Talk Power, Shock Tactics, Word of Mouth Generation, Primal Motivation, and Humour/Surprise.

The media environment is cluttered. We see thousands of ads a day, so for something to break through that clutter it has to be unconventional, irreverent and creative. Something to catch us off-guard and provoke deeper thought into the issue.

Here is an ad that was designed to be centrally processed. It is something that you have to think about, and open new cognitive pathways for it to make sense.


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